Corporate Responsibility

Corporate Responsibility

“We believe that our mission to save and sustain lives is our ultimate statement of corporate responsibility. The global impact of our products, presence and activities will always be assessed through this lens, as we touch the lives of patients, clinicians, communities, employees and other constituencies worldwide." Joe Almeida, Chairman and CEO

For more than 85 years, Baxter has been making a meaningful difference for patients and creating lasting social, environmental and economic value in the communities we serve. Our employees are passionate about our mission, which is reflected in our portfolio of life-saving and sustaining products, our emphasis on environmental stewardship, our commitment to innovation and our uncompromising dedication to responsible business practices.

2018 Corporate Responsability

Making a Meaningful Difference: The Baxter Corporate Responsibility Report

We are proud of our longstanding dedication to corporate responsibility and committed to sharing information about our priorities, programs and performance.

Charitable giving and grants

Charitable Giving and Grants

We support initiatives and organizations that make a positive, lasting impact for the disadvantaged and underserved.

Increasing access to healthcare, promoting community wellness where our employees live and work, and fostering tomorrow’s innovation are central to our mission to save and sustain lives, and fundamental to our philanthropic focus.

Sustainable operations, health and safety

Sustainable Operations

Our emphasis on environmental stewardship includes driving sustainability throughout our global manufacturing operations and supply chain.

We strive to continually reduce our environmental footprint by using energy, water and raw materials efficiently, while decreasing waste and greenhouse gas emissions. Read more about our efforts in this area in the Operations section of our latest Corporate Responsibility Report.

Read our Corporate Responsibility Report

Compromisso com a comunidade envolvente

Na Baxter, assumimos o compromisso de salvar e prolongar vidas e de criar comunidades mais fortes e capacitadas. Procuramos fazer a diferença na vida das pessoas e, por isso, dedicamos um pouco do nosso tempo a proporcionar-lhes um futuro melhor.

Ações de voluntariado

Reunimos frequentemente bens de primeira necessidade, como vestuário e produtos de higiene e limpeza, para entregar a instituições de solidariedade social que intervêm na área geográfica onde nos inserimos. São essencialmente instituições que apoiam sem-abrigo e crianças e jovens carenciados.

Junto da Natureza

Assinalamos, todos os anos, a Semana Mundial do Ambiente, assim como o Dia Mundial da Árvore. Os nossos colaboradores já realizaram trabalhos de limpeza de matas e outros espaços, e plantaram inúmera árvores, dentro e fora do recinto da Baxter, contribuindo para um mundo melhor e mais respirável.